Jack Scarfe


A pale boy and a dead girl
Walkin' the streets of New York City
Lookin' for love in an empty world
A world that's outta pity
The boy turns to the dead girl
And whispers out her name
But she doesn't answer, cannot hear
'Cos she's dead from shame

chorus and key change

They walk thru rain and snow and sleet
They walk thru days dead with heat
They walk thru our lives you know
They'll still be with us when we go
They'll still be with us when we go.

How comes it that we're walkin' here
Our heats filled with pain
How did we get down to this place
This misery, this shame
But she just looks thru glassy eyes
And walked thru streets of money
And all the world's wealth is here
But they don't think its funny.

chorus etc.


Today I'm going to
Today I'm going to be free
Todays a brand new day
Today I'll be a brand new me
Todays the day it gets better
Todays the day I break free
Today is my day
Not just another day for me.

chorus and key change

And I wish that you were here with me
And I wish that you were here right now
And I wish and I wish that you were my girl
And I wish and I wish that you'd show me how.

Today I'm going to
Today I'm going to tell you
Todays a brand new day
And I won't let it slip away
Todays the day I'm going to ask you
Todays the day I ask you
Today is my day
Today I see my dreams come true

chorus etc

But what if you should just laugh at me
What if you just turned and left
But you tell me you've been watching me
Its like this is the best
Todays a brand new day for me
Todays a brand new day
All the doubts that dragged me down
You just blew them away.

chorus etc


Once he walked among us
Just like you and me
Once he knew the self same doubts
And struggled hard to see
Once the sun in splendour walked
With folks like you and me
And he listened when they spoke
'Bout the day when they'd be free

chorus and key change

Fisher of men
Fisher of men
He'll make you
A fisher of men

He was just like you and me
Felt the terror and the fears
Always wanted to be free
Laughed but cried the tears
Once he walked thru the streets
Like you and me today
And died a lonely frightened death
And the people heard him say....

chorus etc

Fisher of men
Fisher of men
I'll make you
A fisher of men


She walked into the churchyard
Saw the faces on the stones
Of all the people lying there
With flesh upon their bones
She saw the smiling faces
Of people that she'd known
And then she knew for certain
That she had been reborn

chorus and key change

Been reborn, been reborn
We all can be reborn
Come to us with open arms
And you will be reborn

The faces smiled and spoke to her
And told her she had died
But she would not believe them
She just sat down and cried
But one by one they came to her
Their arms around her fears
And she surrendered to their love
And love it conquers fears.

chorus etc


It's always the season
There's always a reason
To play loves old old game
We always return
We never learn
Mix the pleasure with the pain

optional chorus and key change

And tears fall like raindrops
It will always be the same
When love turns to another
The innocent feel the pain.

Another day breaks
Another heartaches
Always the same in the end
And when love dies
So someone cries
It hurts to lose a friend.

optional chorus etc

All thru the years
All thru the tears
The story stays the same
And we all cry
And when love dies
It's like an old old game.

optional chorus etc


[ for sopranos ?]
Christmas time
And the people are waiting
Waiting for something
From heaven to earth
Christmas time
And the bells are ringing
Ringing for Christmas
And the time of re-birth [ or And our dear Lords birth ]

[ for tenors ?]

Angels are singing
And the people are watching
Watching for something
From heaven to earth
Christmas time
And we are all singing
We are all singing
To welcome re-birth [ or welcome the birth ]

[ all together ?]

Christmas time
And the Angels are waiting
Waiting for something [ someone ?]
From heaven to earth
Christmas time
And we are all singing
People are singing
All over the Earth



I miss you when day is done
I miss you when I'm alone
I miss you
I miss your breath in the night
I miss your face in dawning light
I miss you

chorus and key change

I'll miss you
Oh, I'll miss you
When all my life is run
I'll miss you
Oh, I'll miss you
When all my dreams are done

chorus etc

I loved you each and ev'ry day
I loved you what's more to say
I loved you
I loved the love we had
I loved when we were sad
I loved you

chorus etc

I'll miss you
Oh, I'll miss you
When all my life is run
I'll miss you
Oh, I'll miss you
When all my time is done

chorus etc

And all my life has come to this
And never more to feel your kiss
I love you
All the nights and all the days
All the secret special ways
I love you
Oh, I love you
I love you still.